Oct 06, 2024  
Policies and Procedures Manual 
Policies and Procedures Manual

02:05:01 Requests to Address the Board

Revision Responsibility: Vice President for Business & Finance                                                                          
Responsible Executive Officer: President
Source/Reference: TBR Policy 1:02:12:00; T.C.A. 49-8-203


The purpose of this policy is to set the conditions and procedures for appearances before the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) by students, employees and members of the public.


As a public body charged with the governance of the state’s community and technical colleges, the Tennessee Board of Regents will provide an opportunity for students, employees and members of the public to address the Board or a committee of the Board concerning matters germane to the responsibilities of the Board.

  1. Permissible Subjects

    Individuals may request to speak about items on the meeting agenda or other issues germane to the responsibilities of the Board. The Board will not hear speakers on grievances or appeals specific to individual students or employees or on pending or threatened litigation involving the Board, any of its institutions or its officials.  If a speaker departs from the subject for which he or she is registered to speak, the presiding officer will declare the speaker out of order.

  2. Pre-registration

    Persons wishing to speak may preregister by completing a Request to Address the Board form (See Section 10 – Policy 2:05:01 Form Petition to Address the Board) and submitting it to the Board of Regents office no later than seven (7) calendar days before the first day of a regular Board meeting

1.Mail or email request form to:

Tennessee Board of Regents
Attn: Board Secretary
1 Bridgestone Park, 3rd Floor
Nashville, Tennessee 37214
Email: Board.Secretary@tbr.edu

2. Persons will be registered to speak based upon the order in which their registration forms are received, subject to approval of the subject matter by the chair or vice chair, except that no more than three (3) speakers will be scheduled to speak on the same subject.

  1. Time Allocation.

    A maximum of fifteen (15) minutes may be allocated during a regular meeting for persons to address the Board. Each speaker may speak for a maximum of three (3) minutes.  Speakers may not combine their three (3) minute allotment with another speaker and may not give any part of their time to another speaker. Scheduled speakers must be physically present to address the Board. Scheduled speakers who are unable to attend the meeting may not send a substitute.

  2. Other Requirements

  1. Only one (1) speaker will be permitted to speak at a time.

  2. Speakers will not be allowed to use audio and/or visual presentation equipment during their remarks.

  3. Speakers may bring copies of written information to be distributed to the Board but must bring at least twenty-five (25) copies for distribution. Speakers are not allowed to personally distribute copies to the Board or approach the Board table for any reason. When called to speak, speakers must provide the copies to the secretary for distribution.

  4. Failure to comply with the requirements of this policy may result in the suspension of a person’s opportunity to address the Board at future meetings.

  1. Board Action

    The Board will not take any action during the public comment period provided by this policy.

  2. Exceptions

    Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the chair or vice chair of the Board may authorize appearances before the Board or a committee of the Board on any matter they deem appropriate for Board consideration. 06/19.