Jul 27, 2024  
Policies and Procedures Manual 
Policies and Procedures Manual

09:22:00 Emergency Notification

Revision Responsibility: Chief of Campus Police
Responsible Executive Officer: Vice President for Business & Finance                                                                            
Source/Reference: Institutional Emergency Preparedness Plan


This general order is to establish policy relative to the selection of the emergency notification procedure to utilize based upon the type of threat or situation.


It is the policy of Walters State Community College that in all situations where there is confirmation of an impending, immediate, or on-going danger, threat or health hazard that College officials will, without delay and taking into account the safety of the community, determine the content of the emergency alert message and initiate the emergency message system. However, if doing so will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to or otherwise mitigate the emergency, an alternative course of action will be identified. 

Confirmation means that an institutional official or an official has/have verified that a legitimate emergency or dangerous situation exists.  Confirmation does not necessarily mean that all of the pertinent details are known or even available.

Campus Police, College emergency response team members, College emergency response management team members, to include members of the executive policy group, have express authority from the president of the College to activate, or to have activated, the Emergency Message System.


The decision to issue an emergency message notification will be decided on a case-by-case basis based upon criteria related to the type of threat, danger, emergency or health hazard. Updates will be provided at approximately 20 to 30 minute intervals unless doing so would compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to or otherwise mitigate the emergency. 

The ultimate decision to evacuate, relocate, lockdown or close the institution rests with the president of the College when time allows for consultation. However, when time does not permit consultation with the president for a decision, members of the College Emergency Response Team are to immediately and without delay initiate the emergency response plan for the campus or building affected. 

When an incident is impending, conditions are such that a significant threat, danger, emergency, or health hazard is within close proximity of the campus and could reasonably be expected to cause death, serious physical harm, or damage.The following elements should exist:

  1. A significant threat or danger is approaching campus or is occurring near campus properties that could cause serious physical harm or death to students, staff or visitors.
  2. A significant threat or health hazard is occurring on or near campus properties that could result in severe incapacitation or death to students, staff or visitors.
  3. A significant weather hazard exists that would directly impact campus properties.

In situations of impending threat, danger, emergency or health hazard, the possibility exists of consulting with appropriate College Emergency Response Management Team (CERMT) or Executive Policy Group (EPG) authorities for further decision making. Campus Police officers and building and floor coordinators may be the first in the field to become aware of information concerning dangerous or threatening situations. College police staff will consult with local emergency agencies and the executive policy group; it may be determined that a significant threat, danger, emergency or health hazard is not immediately impacting campus properties and may warrant further assessment before a decision is made.The Campus Police officer or other designated College official will relate as much information on the impending threat, danger, emergency, or health hazard to CERMT or EPG as possible. Campus Police will consult with local emergency agencies and the executive policy group. This communication will occur as swiftly as possible. Campus Police and/or the executive policy group, or both will assess information received, as quickly as possible to determine validity and confirmation that campus occupants and properties may be directly affected.

Once confirmation of a valid threat is received from local emergency agencies, the executive policy group without delay will authorize Campus Police or other designated College staff to activate the timely warning or emergency alert. Once authorization is given to issue the emergency notification, Campus Police, or other designated College staff, will immediately activate the emergency message systems.  Methods of notification and personnel authorized to activate emergency notification systems are listed in Table 6.


In situations where the threat, danger, emergency event, or health hazard may require an extended time to manage or control, the situation is considered on going. Campus Police and other designated college officials will continue to issue emergency notification updates until the event has concluded. Campus Police will update the emergency message and text messaging system as conditions warrant. The office of Communications and Marketing will provide periodic updates at 20-30 minute intervals to local media outlets to notify and update the community at large. Communications and Marketing staff will ensure that social media, websites, and digital signs are appropriately updated. The President will approve all updates prior to release or posting when feasible. At the conclusion of an event and upon approval of the College President, an “all clear” alert and/or any additional information or instructions via all emergency notification venues will be issued for normal activities to resume.


Table 6

Methods of emergency notification and personnel authorized to activate emergency notifications systems

Campus Location

Responsible Department


Method of Notification


Campus Police


Emergency message and text messaging, campus information lines, timely warning bulletin


Campus Police


Emergency message and text messaging, campus information lines, timely warning bulletin


Campus Police


Emergency message and text messaging, campus information lines, timely warning bulletin


Campus Police


Emergency message and text messaging, campus information lines, timely warning bulletin

All Campuses

Informational and Educational Technologies


Emergency message and text messaging

All Campuses

Communications and Marketing


Social Media/Web Page



Campus Police officers have the capability to disseminate College emergency messages via a computer with internet connection. Messages can be distributed across the campus emergency message system (EMS) or via the Senators Emergency Text message system (SET). Once the specified alert message is determined, officers will access one or both systems to activate the appropriate alert. 

For the Emergency Message System, there are several options for sending the alert:

  1. A campus-wide alert to include all campuses and campus buildings
  2. An individual campus alert and all buildings at that campus
  3. An individual building alert on any campus


For the Emergency Message System, each academic/administrative building is equipped in each building with audible speakers, each having a digital scrolling text line. In addition, all classroom and office speakerphones serve as intercom systems for making emergency alert broadcasts as well as displaying a digital read-out on the LCD panel of the telephone regarding the current emergency. External speakers positioned on buildings do not have a scrolling text and are audible only within a short distance of the building.

For the text messaging system, Campus Police will send text messages to those who have registered for this service. Students, faculty, and staff all have the option to participate in the SET method of notification and may register at the following link: SET Subscribe. Text messaging content will be decided on a case-by-case basis and will be as concise as possible within the character limitations of texting. In cases when time will allow, Campus Police will consult with the communication and marketing staff regarding content. 

In the absence of Campus Police staff, informational and educational technology staff is authorized by the President to activate these systems. 


The College Emergency Response Management Team has agreed to three primary audible emergency alert messages for evacuation, relocation, and lock down/shelter-in-place that will be activated in the event of a significant threat, danger, emergency or health hazard which would warrant notification (See Table 7). In all situations that present elements that would cause a reasonable concern for life and safety, designated personnel will, without delay, activate/issue an Emergency Alert Notification.

Table 7

 Audible Message Content




Message Content

Message Cancellation Content



This is an evacuation emergency alert.  Please exit the building via the nearest unobstructed exit. Proceed to the designated outside rally point for the building occupied. Please follow directions of instructors, building, floor, area coordinators and emergency responders.  This is an evacuation alert.


The evacuation alert has been cancelled. Please return to your work and classroom areas and resume normal activities.




This is a relocation emergency alert.  Please proceed to the designated relocation area located inside the building occupied. Please follow directions of instructors, building, floor, area coordinators and emergency responders.  This is a relocation alert.


The relocation alert has been cancelled. Please return to your work and classroom areas and resume normal operations.


Lockdown / Shelter-In-Place


This is a lockdown/shelter-in-place emergency alert. Please close and lock or barricade your door. Close blinds and turn out lights.  Silence all cell phones. Remain in the area you are in until contacted by emergency response personnel. This is a lockdown/shelter-in-place alert.


The lock down/shelter-in-place alert has been cancelled. Please unlock your doors and resume normal operations.

