Mar 02, 2025  
Policies and Procedures Manual 
Policies and Procedures Manual

09:24:00 Campus Security Authorities

Revision Responsibility: Chief of Campus Police
Responsible Executive Officer: Vice President for Business & Finance
Source/Reference: Jean Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act
  Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990
  Higher Education Act of 1965; Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013
  The Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting, USDOE


The purpose of this policy is to establish policy and procedure for selection, training and crime reporting activities of campus security authorities. Many times the victim of a crime will report the crime to someone other than campus or local police, seeking assistance or advice or someone who will listen and help him or her work through what has occurred. However, a crime is considered “reported” when it is brought to the attention of a Campus Security Authority or campus or local law enforcement personnel by a victim, witness, or other third party and/or even the offender. Campus Security Authorities are those individuals and organizations identified as having a significant responsibility for student and campus activities. The function of a Campus Security Authority is to report, to the official or office designated by the institution to collect crime report information, any allegations of “Clery Act” crimes that he or she becomes aware of and concludes that the information about the crime was made in good faith with little or no reason to doubt the validity of the information. Campus Security Authorities are responsible for reporting all known elements of the crime but are not responsible for classification, intervention, or investigation. 


The president of the college selects campus security authorities (CSAs), as defined by the U. S. Department of Education. A CSA is an individual who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities. Under Clery, a crime is “reported” when it is brought to the attention of a CSA, campus or local law enforcement personnel by a victim, witness, other third party, or even the offender. A CSA should immediately report any information received relative to a crime to the Campus Police department.


The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) is a federal mandate requiring all institutions of higher education (IHEs) that participate in the federal student financial aid program to disclose information about crime on its campuses and in the surrounding communities. The Clery Act affects virtually all public and private IHEs and is enforced by the U.S. Department of Education. Campuses that fail to comply with the Act can be penalized with large fines and may be suspended from participating in the federal financial aid program.

The Clery Act, formerly known as the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act, was signed in 1990 and is named after 19-year-old Jeanne Clery who was raped and murdered in her Lehigh University residence hall in 1986.


The crimes listed in Table 9 are reportable under the “Clery Act” to include any of these offenses, which could be considered a “Hate Crime” by virtue of bias.


Table 9

Clery Act Crimes


GROUP A GROUP B (Report only if involves Hate or Bias) Disciplinary Referrals
Aggravated Assault Destruction/damage/vandalism Drug Law Violations
Arson Intimidation Liquor Law Violations
Burglary Larceny/Theft Weapons Law Violations
Dating Violence Simple Assault  
Domestic Violence    
Motor Vehicle Theft    
Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter    
Sex Offenses    
Statutory Rape    


Each campus security authority (CSA) is required to complete the Clery Crime Incident Report Form upon receiving any information of a crime occurring on or off campus. CSAs should complete the Clery Incident Report form and forward to Campus Police or the campus safety survey administrator. Campus Police and or the campus safety survey administrator will analyze the information and make determination to pursue further investigation and whether reporting standards apply.


Campus Security Authority is a Clery-specific term that encompasses four groups of individuals and organizations associated with an institution:

  1. A Campus Police department or a campus security department of an institution.
  2. Any individual or individuals who have responsibility for campus security but who do not constitute a Campus Police department or a campus security department.
  3. Any individual or organization specified in an institution’s statement of campus security policy as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offenses.
  4. An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings.


There are a number of individuals and campus organization leaders who are identified as CSAs on the Walters State campuses. The campus security authority list is available in the office of Campus Police.


Campus Security Authorities receive training annually concerning institutional and legal obligations to report any knowledge that might be obtained relative to criminal activity. A training announcement is distributed to each identified Campus Security Authority through the Campus Police Department.


10/19, 09/24