Oct 06, 2024  
Policies and Procedures Manual 
Policies and Procedures Manual

09:32:00 Missing Persons

Revision Responsibility: Chief of Campus Police
Responsible Executive Official: Vice President for Business & Finance
Source/Reference: Jean Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act
  Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990
  Higher Education Act of 1965; Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013
  The Handbook of Campus Safety and Security Reporting, USDOE


The purpose of this general order is to establish the process for responding to reports of missing students as required by the Higher Education Act of 2008 for campuses with housing facilities. 


Walters State is a community college and does not provide student housing except for housing accommodations for students attending the Basic Police Recruit School located at the Niswonger Campus. Campus Police, faculty, and staff of Walters State recognize the importance of safety to students while residing or attending its campus facilities. 

For the purpose of this order, a student will be considered missing if a roommate, classmate, faculty member or other campus person has not seen the person in a reasonable amount of time. A reasonable amount of time may vary with the time of day and information regarding the missing person’s daily schedule, habits, punctuality and reliability. Circumstances can also include, but are not limited to, a report or suspicion that the missing person may be the victim of foul play, has expressed suicidal thoughts, is drug dependent, is in a life-threatening situation, or has been with, or in the company of, persons who may endanger the student’s welfare.


All Walters State students may designate on the admission application an individual or individuals to be contacted by the college in the event of an emergency. The application is kept on file in the admissions office, and the designation will remain in effect until changed or revoked by the student. In the event a student who is not emancipated (i.e., students under the age of 18) is determined to be missing pursuant to the procedures set forth below, the college is required to notify a custodial parent or guardian no more than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing. Students attending the Basic Police Recruit School Training will be given an opportunity to provide emergency contact persons and telephone numbers to the academy director.


Any individual on campus who has information that a residential student may be a missing person must notify Campus Police immediately. The Campus Police officer will gather all essential information about the residential student from the reporting person and from the student’s acquaintances including, but not limited to, description, clothes last worn, where the student might be, whom the student might be with, vehicle description, class schedule, information about the student’s mental and physical well-being, up-to-date photograph, etc. 

Appropriate campus administration and staff will be notified of the investigation and attempts of Campus Police to locate the student.

If the above actions are unsuccessful in locating the student or it is immediately apparent that the student is a missing person (i.e., witnessed abduction), the Campus Police officer will contact the appropriate city, county or state law enforcement agency to report the student as missing. That agency will then take charge of the investigation. No more than 24 hours after determining that a residential student is missing, the Vice President for Student Services or his/her designee will notify the emergency contact for students 18 years of age and older, or the parent or guardian for students under the age of 18. Contact is contingent upon the correct emergency contact information provided by the student.

In order to avoid jurisdictional conflicts when a commuter student, or a student living off campus, is believed to be missing, the reporting person should immediately notify campus or local law enforcement authorities. The Walters State Campus Police Department will assist in such investigations as requested by the investigating agency.
