Jul 27, 2024  
Policies and Procedures Manual 
Policies and Procedures Manual

02:11:00 Data Governance

Revision Responsibility: Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Compliance
Responsible Executive Officer: Vice President for Strategic Communications and Effectiveness


  • Establish appropriate responsibility for the management of college data as an institutional asset.
  • Improve access and understanding so that users may locate accurate data and have sufficient information to interpret data correctly and consistently.
  • Improve the security of the data, including confidentiality and protection from loss.
  • Improve the integrity of the data, resulting in greater accuracy, timeliness, and quality of information for decision-making.
  • Reduce the risk of loss due to inaccurate reporting or improper use or interpretation of data.


Data is an important institutional asset. Data governance applies to all areas of the college and any data used for decision-making, budgetary allocations, data reported or used in official administrative reports, or as documentation of institutional effectiveness.


I. Data Governance Structure

Data governance assures the quality and integrity of institutional data, and encourages consistent, integrated, and disciplined use of information. Data governance establishes standards, accountabilities, responsibilities to enhance the value of data and information usage while managing the cost and quality of information handling.

Data governance supports the college in achieving its mission, strategic plan, and associated initiatives. Ready access to accurate, reliable data improves decision-making and reporting for internal and external stakeholders and regulatory agencies. Data governance supports continuous improvement as shortcomings can be more easily identified and corrected.

Any data needed for decision-making or for reporting to an external source should be verified through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Compliance before proceeding.

 Defined Roles in Data Governance Structure

The data governance steering body is the Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC). ITAC provides a cross-functional forum for data governance issues including security and policy-making. Employees and other stakeholders may bring data issues and suggestions for improvements to the ITAC.

Institutional Effectiveness and Compliance (IEC) provides staff support for the data governance assumed by ITAC. IEC will maintain the official data dictionary, edit it, and make sure it is regularly reviewed.

Executive administration has planning responsibility and accountability for major data systems; e.g. student, finance, human resources, and advancement. Executive administration includes senior college officials, Information and Educational Technologies personnel, and others in decision-making roles relative to data systems.

Data stewards implement approved data policies and ensure that data is safeguarded from unauthorized access and abuse by establishing procedures and educational programs. Data stewards include administrative personnel from Information and Educational Technology, Student Services, Budgeting and Business Services, Human Resources, and College Advancement.

Data administrators often report to data stewards and have an in-depth understanding of data within their respective areas. Data administrators work with data stewards to establish procedures for data entry, storage, and reporting. Data administrators may also have responsibilities for implementing data backup and retention plans.

II. Data Access

Data access ensures that employees and other stakeholders have appropriate access to institutional data and information to effectively carry out job assignments, research and other appropriate business activities. Though the college has a responsibility for data security and privacy, procedures to safeguard data must not interfere unduly with the efficient conduct of institutional business. Data security classes are assigned by data stewards. Individuals will have permission to enter, access, or use data according to levels prescribed in their assigned security classes.

The college protects its data assets through security measures that safeguard data while providing for authorized access and proper use. Data access will be conducted in accordance with the policies established by the Informational and Educational Technologies department, and found in WSCC Policy 08:08:13 Information Technology ERP Form Access Management.

III. Data Usage

Data governance provides controls to mitigate risks of use or abuse of institutional data, and assures that data are used ethically and legally. Data users should access and use data only as required to fulfill their roles at the college, and not for personal gain or any inappropriate purposes.

Only those data elements designated as “directory information” (as defined by FERPA- the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) may be externally disseminated. Data usage will be conducted in accordance with policies established by the Office of Informational and Educational Technologies, which are published in the WSCC Policy Manual, Section 8, Policies 08:08:08, 08:08:16, 08:08:17, 08:08:18, and 08:08:20. Exceptions to these policies may be made in limited cases, subject to recommendation of the ITAC and the Council of Vice Presidents. Final authority to approve exceptions rests with the president in the event consensus cannot be reached by approving bodies. The president’s decision is final.

Walters State employees, students or other stakeholders who fail to comply with the data usage policies may be subject to disciplinary action. Failure to comply with policies may result in denial of access to data, disciplinary action, or legal action depending on the severity of the circumstances.

IV. Data Integrity and Integration

Sound decision-making and accurate reporting rely on institutional data to have a high degree of integrity. Data integrity refers to the validity, reliability, and accuracy of the data. Walters State’s data dictionary provides a list of terms and definitions for various types of data, along with the source of the data and where it is used.

WSCC recognizes that external factors heavily influence data usage and reporting. The college must adhere to requirements promulgated by federal and state governments, accrediting agencies, and other regulatory bodies when reporting data. ITAC will maintain the data dictionary with staff support from IEC. IEC will provide guidance with relative to data reporting requirements and definitions required by external agencies. Data used in official reports, publications, and budgetary requests are subject to verification by IEC.

04/20; 4/22