Jul 27, 2024  
Policies and Procedures Manual 
Policies and Procedures Manual

09:36:00 Body Worn Cameras

Revision Responsibility: Chief of Campus Police                                                                                                   
Responsible Executive Officer: Vice President for Business & Finance


The purpose of this policy is to further the college’s intent to promote a safe educational and work environment for its students, staff and visitors and to present a professional appearance through the use of personal video recording devices to record certain activities.  The recorders are intended to assist officers in the performance of their duties by providing an unbiased visual and audio record of the incident and to supplement the officer’s report.


It shall be the policy of the Walters State Police Department to provide police officers with body-worn video recording devices.  Video cameras worn by officers are used to record the audio and visual elements of police related encounters with citizens of the college community and public to include enforcement and non-enforcement encounters.  The audio/visual record of these events also protects officers and the college from unsubstantiated claims of wrong doing or misconduct.


Recordings or images from body worn camera equipment may not be released to media outlets without approval of the Vice President for Strategic Communications & Effectiveness and the Chief of Campus Police, and after consultation with legal counsel when necessary, and in accordance with state law and established college policies with regard to confidential records T.C.A. 10-7-504.  Recordings used as evidence for court proceedings should be appropriately documented and approved by the Chief.


Officers will receive training in the operation of their body-worn video recording devices prior to utilization on duty. 

A.  Beginning of Shift Procedures

      1. At the beginning of each shift, an officer that is issued a body-worn video recording device will inspect the recorder to ensure that the device is not damaged, is in good working order and will document this on the Officer’s Daily Report.  The care of the issued device is the responsibility of the officer to which the device is assigned.  The device will be operated and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations.

      2. If the device is found to be damaged or not working properly, the officer will notify an on-duty supervisor immediately, report the problem on the officer’s daily report and forward the report to the Captain.

      3. The officer will ensure that the device is equipped with sufficient memory and battery power to complete their tour of duty.

B.   Use of the Device

  1. Uniformed officers using a body-worn video recording device shall ensure that the device is properly worn, secured on the  officer’s uniform or underlying ballistic vest with a lanyard and positioned to record events.
  2. Uniformed Officers shall record all law enforcement related calls for service.  Non-enforcement, non-confrontational encounters may be recorded on an as needed basis based on the purpose for the encounter.
  3. Uniformed officers shall make every effort to record any law enforcement encounter that becomes verbally confrontational or potentially violent in nature. 
  4. Uniformed officers will not stop the recording until they have completed the call for service or encounter with the college or public citizen.  The mere request by the college student, faculty, staff, visitor or other member of the public and/or defendant shall not be sufficient to terminate the recording.
  5. If a uniformed officer does not activate a body-worn or vehicle camera, or does not record the entire contact, the officer shall document the reason on any report, citation or other documentation related to the encounter.
  6. Officers shall be allowed to review the recordings from their body-worn camera to help ensure accuracy and consistency prior to completing reports or statements.
  7. Officers assigned body worn cameras will not edit, alter, erase, duplicate, copy, share, or otherwise distribute video in any manner not consistent with department policies.
  8.  Any time an officer has a recording of an encounter, he/she should  schedule a meeting  with the Chief, Captain or Sergeant to review the recording for accuracy and upload to the protected server folder.
  9. The Chief, Captain or Sergeant will be responsible for making copies of any video needed for evidentiary purposes prior to court.
  10. Officers are encouraged to inform the Chief, Captain or Sergeant of any recordings that may be of value for training purposes.
  11. Officers shall not utilize personally owned body worn video recording devices while on duty.
  12. Officers shall not utilize a department issued body-worn video recording device to record personal activities.

C.   Restrictions on Use of Body-Worn Video Recording Devices

      Recording devices shall be used only in conjunction with official Law Enforcement duties. Devices shall not generally be used to record:

  1. Communications with other department personnel (without permission of Chief) that is outside normal police duties and encounters.
  2. Encounters with undercover officers or confidential informants.
  3. When on break, or otherwise engaged in personal activities.
  4. In any location where individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as a restroom, locker room, briefing room.
  5. Supervisors may use discretion in determining whether or not to record disciplinary actions involving subordinates.  If the decision to record is made, the supervisor shall inform all personnel involved at the beginning of the recording that audio and/or visual recording devices are in use.  The employee may request a copy of the recording.
  6. Officers shall have the camera downloaded as needed per department policies to ensure proper amount of memory is available for recording during their tour of duty.

D.  Storage and Retention of Video

       1. Officers shall have the camera downloaded as needed per department policies to ensure proper amount of memory is available for recording during                 their tour of duty.

       2. Retention period for video evidence is sixty (60) days. Officers should request prior to the end of sixty (60) days for saving of videos that will be needed             for evidence.

E.  Supervisor Responsibilities

  1. Supervisory personnel shall ensure the officers are utilizing their body worn video recording devices in accordance with policy and procedures of the department.
  2. Supervisors will review any recordings collected by an officer during the week to ensure that the equipment is operating properly and that officers are using the devices appropriately and in accordance with policy. Supervisors will upload recordings to the designated server.  An email will be sent to the Captain and the Chief to document the review and upload.  Supervisors will report any abnormal findings to the Captain.

 F. Failure to Activate Equipment or Abuse of Equipment

    Failure to utilize the video recording equipment as outlined in this policy  and the abuse or misuse of the video recording equipment and/or any recordings made shall be deemed dereliction of duty.  Violations shall be  subject to disciplinary action. 

07/20; 08/22