Oct 13, 2024  
Policies and Procedures Manual 
Policies and Procedures Manual

02:04:00 Multi-level Governing Structure

Revision Responsibility: Vice President for Strategic Communications and Effectiveness
Responsible Executive Officer: President
Source/Reference: TBR Policy 1:03:02:00
WSCC Policy 02:05:00


This policy is intended to define the general structure of governance for Walters State Community College regarding the institution’s mission, fiscal stability of the institution, and institutional policy.


I. Duties of the Tennessee Board of Regents

The TBR is empowered to perform each of the following duties:

  1. Employ the Chancellor, define his or her duties, and within budgetary limitations, fix his or her compensation.
  2. Select and employ presidents of the institutions and set their salaries and terms of office.
  3. Confirm the appointment of administrative personnel, faculty, and other employees of each institution, and fix their salaries and terms of office.
  4. Prescribe curricula and requirements for diplomas and degrees.
  5. Approve the operating and capital budgets of each institution and otherwise set policies for their fiscal affairs.
  6. Establish policies and regulations regarding the campus life of the institutions, including, but not limited to, the conduct of students, parking, and safety.
  7. Assume general responsibility for the operations of the institutions, delegating to the presidents and directors such powers and duties as are necessary and appropriate for the efficient administration of their respective institutions and their programs.
  8. Receive donations of money, securities, and property from any source on behalf of the institutions of the System, which gifts shall be used in accordance with the conditions set by the donor.
  9. Purchase land subject to the terms and conditions of state regulations, condemn land, erect buildings, and equip them for the institutions subject to the terms and conditions of legislative appropriations.
  10. Be vested with title to property transferred from the State Board of Education and to property donated or purchased subsequent thereto.
  11. The Board shall have such other powers not otherwise prescribed by law, as are necessary to carry out the provisions of Tennessee Code Annotated section 49-8-101 et seq.

II. Duties of the President

  1. The president shall be the executive head of the institution and of all its departments and shall exercise such supervision and direction as will promote the efficient operation of the institution, consistent with the mission and policies of the Board of Regents and the applicable state and federal laws.
  2. The president shall be responsible to the Board through the Chancellor for the operation and management of the institution and for the execution of all directives of the Board and of the Chancellor.
  3. The president shall be the official medium of communication between the faculty and the Chancellor, and between the council, senate, assembly, or any such body, either of the faculty or of the students, and the Chancellor.
  4. The president shall recommend annually to the Board of Regents, through its Personnel and Compensation Committee, the creation or continuance of positions of faculty and other employees of the institution.
  5. The president shall have the authority to recommend or make appointments of personnel and, within budgetary limitations, to fix their salaries, and to recommend or approve promotions, transfers, leaves of absence, and removal of personnel, pursuant to the requirements of policies and procedures established by the Board, and subject to such prior approval or confirmation of the Board or the Chancellor as may be required by the Board.
  6. The president shall make any report requested by the Chancellor or the Board regarding the institution under the president’s control.
  7. Because the president is expected to build and maintain strong relationships in the community, the president is required to live in the institution’s service area, unless an exception is approved by the Chancellor.

III. Mission, Fiscal Stability, and Policy

  1. The mission and strategic goals of the institution are drafted in conjunction with the Tennessee Board of Regents Strategic Plan. The institution’s mission and goals are submitted to the Board for review and approval. The institution’s mission and goals must be aligned with those of the Board.
  2. Budgets are submitted twice per year, in October and April, to the Board. Budgets are accompanied by several analysis forms and schedules. Budgets must be reviewed and approved by the Board. Financial statements are prepared following year end on June 30 of each year, and are due to the Board in August.
  3. Institutional policies are drafted and revised using Tennessee Board of Regents policies as a starting point. Institutional policies may not conflict with TBR policies. Questions on interpretation of TBR policies should be directed to TBR’s Office of General Counsel.
