Sep 01, 2024  
Policies and Procedures Manual 
Policies and Procedures Manual

02:02:00 Board Member Appointment and Dismissal

Revision Responsibility: Vice President for Business & Finance
Responsible Executive Officer: President


To describe the means by which TBR members are appointed and may be dismissed.


TBR Policy 01:02:04:00 applies as if copied at length herein.

I. Members

The Tennessee Board of Regents consists of eighteen members including four ex-officio members who shall be the Governor, the Commissioner of Education, the Commissioner of Agriculture, and the Executive Director of the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, who shall be a non-voting member. Twelve public members are appointed by the Governor subject to confirmation by the Senate, but appointments are effective until adversely acted upon by the Senate. One member of the Board is a student appointed annually by the Governor for a term of one year commencing on July 1  following his or her appointment, provided that the student must retain status as a student in good standing for the duration of his or her term on the Board. One member of the Board is a current faculty member at an institution of the Board of Regents. The faculty member shall be appointed  annually by the Governor.

II. Term

Board Members serve a term of six years. Public members may be appointed to succeed themselves. The student and faculty members serve for a period of one year. If a vacancy occurs except by any reason of expiration of term, the vacancy is filled for the remainder of the term.

III. Dismissal

The Tennessee Higher Education Accountability Act, TCA § 49-14-105 provides for the removal of members of any governing board of public higher education for neglect of duty. The governor may petition for a board member’s removal due to neglect of duty and such removal shall be effective upon a majority vote of the voting board members.

Officers named in the TBR Bylaws include the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Chancellor, Treasurer, and Secretary. The sitting Governor of the State of Tennessee serves as the Chairman of the Board.

Officers may be removed at any time by the Board by the affirmative vote of the majority of the Board, not merely of the quorum. 05/16