Oct 06, 2024  
Policies and Procedures Manual 
Policies and Procedures Manual

02:07:00 Policy Development Publication & Review

Revision Responsibility: Vice President for Strategic Communications and Effectiveness
Responsible Executive Officer: Vice President for Business and Finance
Source/Reference: Tennessee Board of Regents
SACSCOC Good Practices:  Developing Policy and Procedure Documents


To establish uniform procedures for the development, adoption, modification, and revocation of Walters State Community College’s collegewide policies, procedures, and guidelines.


I. General

All Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) institutions are required to follow system policies and guidelines and incorporate them into individual campus policies and guidelines. Pursuant to guidance from the TBR, Walters State may modify TBR policies for local application or establish new college-wide policies to effectively guide and manage the institution. TBR policies that are in effect to document compliance with SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation must be adapted and approved at the college level. The college’s Executive Council oversees these responsibilities as well as the administration and implementation of all institutional policies.

II. Scope

This policy applies to all policies, guidelines, rules, procedures or any documents, by whatever name, that have collegewide application.

III. Definitions

Policies are guiding documents that establish authority and responsibilities to carry out the functions of the college. Policies inform decision making and provide for uniform response, thus achieving consistency and continuity of operation.

Guidelines are developed by the Tennessee Board of Regents as advisory statements or recommended courses of action to comply with approved policies. WSCC follows the guidelines as established by the TBR and as applicable to WSCC or TBR policies.

Procedures provide step-by-step instructions for implementing a policy or performing a task. Good procedures incorporate consideration of the following factors:

  • identification of personnel responsible for implementing and/or enforcing the policy;
  • the means by which institutional constituents are informed of the policy or associated procedures;
  • a timeline for completion of procedures, if applicable;
  • a methodology for monitoring compliance with the policy and reporting results;
  • a schedule for reviewing the effectiveness of the policy and associated procedures.

IV. Publication

Approved policies will be posted on the institution’s website to ensure accessibility to those affected by the policy and related procedures. Policies may also be published in appropriate institutional publications to enhance availability.

V. Review

Policies will be reviewed every four to six years or as circumstances require, whichever is earlier, by the Executive Council. The review may be initiated by any member of Executive Council, through his or her respective vice president, and will include, at a minimum:

  • review of applicable TBR policies and guidelines, SACSCOC Accreditation Requirements, or other authoritative sources to ensure the policy is current and relevant;
  • review of the departments and personnel responsible for implementing and/or enforcing the policy;
  • assurances that the policy is aligned with institutional or unit purposes;
  • review and update of postings to the college website as policies are reviewed and updated.

Any faculty or staff member may request a new policy through his or her vice president. Students may contact the vice president of Student Services to request a new policy or review of existing policies. 

VI. Accessibility

Walters State is committed to ensuring that Policies and Procedures Manual is accessible to all visitors. The manual has been developed to comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and is regularly monitored to see that it meets the requirements of Section 508. Anyone needing assistance with this manual, should contact the office of Institutional Effectiveness and Compliance at (423) 585-6898.

05/16; 05/21; 06/23