Revision Responsibility: |
Vice President for Student Services |
Responsible Executive Officer: |
Vice President for Academic Affairs |
To define and outline procedures for managing academic and classroom misconduct.
- The classroom instructor has the primary responsibility for maintenance of academic integrity and controlling classroom behavior, and can order the temporary removal or exclusion from the classroom of any student engaged in disruptive conduct including violent or other behavior that unreasonably interferes with instructional activities during class sessions or conduct that violates the general rules and regulations of the institution for each class session during which the conduct occurs. Extended or permanent exclusion from the classroom, beyond the session in which the conduct occurred, or further disciplinary action can be effected through the appropriate sanctioning procedures of the institution.
- Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited. Students guilty of academic misconduct, either directly or indirectly, through participation or assistance, are immediately responsible to the instructor of the class. In addition to other possible disciplinary sanctions, which may be imposed through the regular institutional disciplinary procedures, the instructor has the authority to assign an appropriate grade, including an “F” or “zero” for the exercise or examination, or to assign an “F” for the course. Disciplinary sanctions will be imposed only through the appropriate institutional student disciplinary processes.
- Students may appeal a grade assignment associated with a finding of academic misconduct, as distinct from a student disciplinary sanction, through appropriate institutional academic misconduct or grade appeal procedures (Walters State Community College Policy 03:19:01). Courses may not be dropped pending the final resolution of an allegation of academic misconduct.
- Disruptive behavior in the classroom may be defined as, but not limited to, behavior that obstructs or disrupts the learning environment (e.g., offensive language, harassment of students and professors, repeated outbursts from a student which disrupt the flow of instruction or prevent concentration on the subject taught, failure to cooperate in maintaining classroom decorum, etc.), text messaging, and the continued use of any electronic or other noise or light emitting device which disturbs others (e.g., disturbing noises from cell phones, I-pads, I-phones or I-pods, tablets or other mobile devices, lap-top computers, games, etc.).
- Faculty establish class attendance and punctuality requirements, subject to state or federal laws, and inform students through the published syllabi for each course of those requirements, along with the consequences for failing to meet those requirements. Students are expected to attend classes regularly and on time and are responsible for giving explanations/rationales for absences and lateness directly to the faculty member for each course in which they are enrolled. The student remains responsible for verifying the emergency circumstances to faculty and for discussing arrangements with faculty for completion of course work requirements.
- The student may appeal these sanctions through the appropriate institutional procedures. Policy 04:18:02, Disciplinary Sanctions, describes the institutions disciplinary and appeal processes. These sanctions are also available to the student in the Student Handbook section of the Walters State Community College Catalog, and may be accessed online at the Walters State web page.
- Academic Affairs Committee
The Academic Affairs Committee assigned to hear grade appeal cases consist of the following members:
Vice President for Academic Affairs - Chair
All division deans
One faculty member from each division
Two students designated by the Vice President for Student Services
Curriculum Subcommittee chair
Faculty Senate President
Ex-Officio members:
Vice President for Student Services
Dean of Distance Education
Assistant Vice President for Student Services
Dean of Library Services
Dean of Records and Veterans Affairs Officer
- Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom
Classroom misconduct as a result of a student’s behavior definable under Disciplinary Offenses will follow Disciplinary Procedures.
- Disruptive behavior in the classroom will be initially addressed by the faculty member and the student through the Walters State Classroom Misconduct Report, which addresses the behavior and expected change in behavior. The report is signed by both the faculty member and the student. A copy of the report is sent to the dean of the faculty member’s division, the vice president for Academic Affairs, the vice president for Student Services, and the campus police department.
- Should the student choose to appeal the misconduct report, or should the disruptive behavior continue, the student and faculty member will meet with the division dean regarding the behavior, who in turn will file a summary of his or her findings to the vice president for Academic Affairs and the vice president for Student Services. Action and appeals process will follow the procedures outlined in Disciplinary Procedures 04:18:03.
- Should the student desire to appeal the actions of the division dean, or should the disruptive behavior continue, the student, faculty member, and division dean will meet with the vice president for Academic Affairs and the vice president for Student Services for adjudication.
- Should a student choose to appeal the decision of the vice president for Academic Affairs and the vice president for Student Services they may elect to have their case heard by the Student Discipline Committee under the same procedures and timeline as described in section 3 under Disciplinary Procedures.
08/12; 05/16; 03/23