Jan 16, 2025  
Policies and Procedures Manual 
Policies and Procedures Manual

06:10:14 Campus Leave Procedures

Revision Responsibility: Executive Director of Human Resources
Responsible Executive Officer: Vice President for Business & Finance


To supplement applicable WSCC policies, No. 06:10:00 through 06:10:13, which establish procedures for administering the various employee leave programs at Walters State.


I. Procedures

The procedures for administering the various employee leave programs at Walters State are set forth in WSCC Policies No. 06:10:00 through 06:10:13. To supplement these policies, the following additional procedures are established.

  1. Revising or Canceling Approved Leave Requests. To revise or cancel a Leave Request after it has been approved requires the submission of another Leave Request indicating the specific dates and hours to be revised or canceled. The form should have the appropriate notation “REVISED” or “CANCELED” in red at the top right of the page. Revising or canceling of approved leave requests should be accomplished in a timely manner and kept to a minimum insofar as possible.
  2. Changing Annual Leave to Sick Leave During a period of annual leave if an employee is hospitalized or requires treatment in an emergency room, it is permissible to request a change in leave status for the whole days involved. A normal work day is seven and one-half (7.5) hours sick leave, but more leave may be charged if the employee is working an adjusted work schedule pursuant to WSCC Policy 06:10:15  Adjusted Work Schedule. In such cases a medical statement is required to accompany the leave request change. It is not appropriate to request a change in leave status for short periods involving clinic visits or dental appointments which may occur during a period of annual leave.
  3. Leave Requests for Periods Less Than One Hour While Leave Requests for periods of less than one hour are permissible, the practice is, in general, to be discouraged relative to the regular or consistent use of leave for such brief periods. For instance, it is appropriate to request annual leave for short periods over an extended time in order to attend a class during working hours if work load permits. It is not appropriate to modify an employee’s workday or work week by routinely approving short periods of annual leave for the convenience of the employee. Leave approving authorities are responsible for monitoring leave requests submitted by employees under their supervision to insure compliance with this policy.

Questions regarding leave administration should be addressed to the assistant vice president of Human Resources or the vice president for Business & Finance. Any variations from the above procedures require approval of the president. 10/95; 8/04; 11/08; 10/13; 1/15; 05/16