Oct 13, 2024  
Policies and Procedures Manual 
Policies and Procedures Manual

08:08:07 Information Technology Definitions

Revision Responsibility: Executive Director of Information and Educational Technologies & Chief Information Officer
Responsible Executive Officer: Vice President for Business & Finance


To ensure that all information technology policy definitions are defined consistently across all Informational and Educational Technologies’ departmental policies.This policy applies to all Information and Educational Technologies’ department policies and guidelines.


Information and Educational Technologies’ departmental policies and guidelines utilize statements and references that are defined consistently and commonly below for all policies and guidelines.


For the purposes of this policy all definitions are defined in section 4.0

Name Definition
Account Owner The person to whom a user account is assigned
Authorized Personnel Anyone who requires access to an area or use of a resource and has received the appropriate approvals as defined by policy or guideline
Banner Same Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
CIO Chief Information Officer
CISO Chief Information Security Officer
Computer Room The core network & server room located at the Morristown campus
Computer Room The core network and server room located at the Morristown campus
Data Trustee Someone assigned by the Institution to set the structure, definitions, and relationships for specific areas of data retained by the institution; this is synonymous with “Data Owner”, “Data Coordinator” and “Data Custodian”
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Banner (StarNET) system that provides business process management services (finance, HR, and Student) for employees and students
ERP Form A collection of user interface elements that provide access to data within the ERP system
Expo The offsite fire proof storage facility located at the Great Smokey Mountain Expo Center
Functional User A person who uses a technology resource and is not part of the IET staff
Guest An individual who is not directly affiliated with the institution but due to their relationship with the institution is granted the use of technology resources
INB Internet Native Banner is a high-level system within Banner (StarNET) that is utilized by specially approved users
Information and Educational Technologies (IET) The area responsible for all centralized administrative and academic information technology operations, resources, and support
Information and Educational Technologies (IET) Leadership The IET administrative body that oversees all IET operations and institutional information technology support
Information Technology Resource(s) and/or Asset(s) Includes data processing or storage functions; computer systems and services, servers, networks, printers, multimedia systems, and other input/output and connecting devices; and, related computer records, programs, software, and documentation
Institution Walters State Community College (WSCC)
Intermediate Distribution Facility Same as a Network Closet
Main Distribution Facility The core network and server room located in a building or campus
Network Closet Rooms throughout the institution that contain a variety of network and other information assets.
Non-Authorized Personnel Anyone who is not authorized to access an area or use a resource
OIR Department of Finance and Administration’s Office for Information Resources, with which the Institution contracts for hosting and technical services for its ERP System
Personal or Private For-Profit Use Use of institutional information technology resources which has an objective of financial gain for the user. Activities by a student which are typical of the student job search process (e.g., use of campus email to contact potential employers, posting of one’s resume, or applying for positions) are not to be considered personal or private for-profit uses. It is acceptable for employees to interact with the Human Resources office regarding Institutional employment opportunities
PII or Personal Information Personal Identifiable Information as defined by institutional policy
Production System Environment Institutional system environment that is designed for use by functional users to perform institutional duties with the expectation that the system is stable and fully functional
Public Record All documents, papers, letters, maps, books, photographs, microfilms, electronic data processing files and output, films, sound recordings, or other material, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by any governmental agency. T.C.A. § 10-7-301(6) Guideline
Public Systems Technology systems or resources that are available to the general user and require default inherited access levels (e.g. guest wireless access, SSB access, and open access systems)
Sevierville Data Room The server room located at the Sevierville Campus
SSB Single Sign-on Banner is the default web based interface for the StarNET system utilized by all students and employees
StarNET Same as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
System Administrator An institutional technology employee who oversees institutional technology systems
TBR Tennessee Board of Regents, the governing state body of the Institution
Test System Environment Institutional system environment where non-production system testing is performed by IET staff and institutional functional users
TSR Technology Service Request is a mechanism by which a technology request is submitted for approval and prioritization; a TSR also provides the ability to track work requests for the institution
User Account Mechanism by which a user accesses the Institution’s technology Assets

11/15; 09/17