Aug 31, 2024  
Policies and Procedures Manual 
Policies and Procedures Manual

11:07:00 Athletic Committee

Revision Responsibility: Executive Council 
Responsible Executive Office: Vice President for Student Services                                                     


The Athletic Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the college athletic program.  The committee will be concerned primarily with the development and implementation of the athletic program as it relates to the overall philosophy and objectives of the institution.  The Athletic Committee makes recommendations directly to the President.

Athletic Committee shall meet as needed.


Coordinator of Retention Services, Chair

Coordinator of Financial Aid

Executive Director of Counseling & Testing

One representative from the Facilities Management staff

Student Services representative

Two members elected by the faculty at large 

Two members elected by the Student Government Association

Vice President for Business & Finance and Treasurer of the Walters State Foundation

Ex Officio:

Assistant Vice President for Student Services and Associate Director of Athletics

Director of Athletics

Intercollegiate Athletic Coaches


Vice President for Student Services

11/16; 01/21