Aug 31, 2024  
Policies and Procedures Manual 
Policies and Procedures Manual

11:16:00 Environmental, Health and Safety Committee

Revision Responsibility:                Executive Council   
Responsible Executive Officer Vice President for Business & Finance 


The purpose of the Environmental, Health and Safety Committee is to guide the college toward compliance with environmental, health and safety regulations.  This effort is to minimally include the awareness of regulations and ensuring that the campus is in compliance with those regulations, but also to implement programs to discover, correct, enforce, and improve compliance with local, state, and federal environmental programs.  This effort will also include appropriate training and dissemination of information for the campus community.  Specially, the committee shall be concerned with:

1.     Developing recommendations concerning environmental health and safety matters;

2.     Maintaining a current comprehensive Environmental, Health and Safety Plan that incorporates college policies, standards, and procedures relating to environmental, health and safety matters;

3.     Evaluating, reviewing, and auditing all college facilities and practices for compliance with college’s 
        comprehensive Environmental, Health, and Safety Plan and compliance with appropriate regulations;

4.     Coordinating the development and maintenance of environmental, health and safety information as
        an educational resource for the college;

5.     Promoting college constituents’ and visitors’ awareness of their responsibility in the college’s
        environmental, health and safety program;

6.     Recommending priorities relative to the implementation of campus environmental, health
        and safety projects;

7.     Disseminating information to college personnel about the activities of the committee; and

8.     Any other matters relating to the environmental, health and safety of students, staff, faculty,  
        and college constituents.

The committee shall meet as deemed appropriate.


Vice President for Business & Finance, Chair

Coordinator of Environmental Health and Sustainability

Executive Director of Human Resources

Assistant Director of Printing Services and Projects Management

Dean of Health Programs

Dean of Humanities

Dean of Natural Sciences

Dean of Public Safety

Dean of Business and Technical Education

Dean of Behavioral & Social Sciences & Business

Director of Athletics/Development Officer

Director of Campus Police & Emergency Preparedness

Executive Director of the Expo Center

Culianary Arts/Business Faculty representative

Humanities-Art-Faculty representative

Humanities-Theater-Faculty representative

Natural Sciences Staff representative

Niswonger Campus representative

Student representative


Ex Officio:


Vice President for Academic Affairs

Vice President for Student Services

11/16; 04/21; 11/21; 12/22