Aug 31, 2024  
Policies and Procedures Manual 
Policies and Procedures Manual

11:27:00 Institutional Review Board

Revision Responsibility: Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness & Compliance
Responsible Executive Officer: Vice President for Strategic Communications & Effectiveness               


The WSCC Institutional Review Board shall review and approve research requests while protecting the rights and welfare of human subjects in accordance with federal law.

Institutional Review Board Function:

The Walters State Community College (WSCC) Institutional Review Board (IRB) is established to ensure that all research activities involving human subjects are conducted in a way that promotes their rights, protects their welfare, ensures safety, minimizes any potential risks, and assures informed and voluntary participation in any research. (See also WSCC Policy 08:24:00). The IRB also monitors research to ensure that human subjects are protected from undue risk and deprivation of personal rights and dignity. The IRB operates under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) regulations for the Protection of Human Research Subjects: Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 46 (45 CFR 46). The IRB is guided by the ethical principles regarding all research involving humans as subjects as set forth in the April 18, 1979, report of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Researcher, titled: “Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research,” commonly known as the “Belmont Report.” The WSCC Institutional Review Board regulates all research activities involving human subjects on all campuses. This board is responsible for conducting ethical reviews of human research activities, while ensuring compliance with all applicable federal and state laws/regulations. The IRB shall review and have the authority to approve, require modifications in order to secure approval, disapprove, suspend or terminate all research activities covered by this policy. No college official shall approve research that has not been approved by the IRB. Any research involving human subjects conducted at WSCC must be approved by the Institutional Research Board.


The chairperson and other members of the IRB are appointed by the President of the college, who serves as final authority for overseeing the activities performed by the IRB. The president also serves as the signatory official on the institution’s federal wide assurance. The IRB must have five or more members of varying expertise and diversity, including at least one individual from outside the college and one non-scientist to promote complete and adequate review of the research conducted at the college. All IRB members must undergo training in human subject protection (including ethical principles, federal regulations, and IRB procedures and policies) and sign a Member Agreement and Confidentiality Form*. The IRB chairperson and at least two board members will commit to two years of service to ensure continuity.

Per the federal authorization and guidelines, IRB membership must include:

  1. Community/Outside member—At least one member who is NOT affiliated with the institution and who is not part of the immediate family of a person who is affiliated with the institution
  2. Scientist—At least one member should have expertise in research/scientific methods
  3. Non-Scientific member—At least one member should have a background in primarily a non-scientific area members of more than one profession/discipline

No IRB member will be able to participate in an IRB review of any project in which the member has a conflicting interest, except to provide information requested by the IRB. If needed, the IRB will be at liberty to invite any individual(s) with competence in special areas to assist in the review of issues requiring expertise beyond that of the board members. For instance, if research involves vulnerable subjects (e.g., children, mentally handicapped or disabled), the IRB may request outside review by a person with expertise in that area. When research subjects include prisoners, a prisoner or prisoner representative is required to serve on the Board. If outside expertise is needed, invited persons may provide information and feedback, but they may NOT vote with the IRB except in the case of research involving prisoners.

The board shall meet as needed.
