Aug 31, 2024  
Policies and Procedures Manual 
Policies and Procedures Manual

11:39:00 Student Discipline Committee

Revision Responsibility: Executive Council
Responsible Executive Officer: Vice President for Student Services                                                                                 


The Student Discipline Committee is charged with adjudicating cases involving student behavior, both on and off campus, which is considered undesirable or harmful to the college. Specifically, this committee shall deal with the student who is found to be in violation of the guidelines provided in the Student Handbook. Cases handled by this committee are referred by the vice president for Academic Affairs or the vice president for Student Services and are those for which disciplinary action appears warranted. The Student Discipline Committee makes recommendations through either the vice president for Academic Affairs or the vice president for Student Services to the president for final approval.

The Student Discipline Committee shall meet when needed.


The chair of this committee will be named by the President.

Two members elected by the faculty at large

Vice President of the Student Government Association

Two students designated by the Student Government Association

One academic division dean

Ex Officio:

Director of Athletics

Vice President for Academic Affairs

Vice President for Student Services    

11/16; 05/21