Sep 17, 2024  
Policies and Procedures Manual 
Policies and Procedures Manual

08:08:01 Computer User Accounts

Revision Responsibility: Chief Information Officer
Responsible Executive Officer: Vice President for Business & Finance


To provide procedures to be followed relative to establishment and management of computer user accounts. Security of user accounts is of prime importance.


I.  Scope

In order to utilize ERP computing resources, computers, and server and network resources, users must have a valid Walters State provided username and password. With the exception of certain special restricted accounts, passwords must be used when accessing the computer system. It is the user’s responsibility to maintain his/her password. In order to assure regular changing of account passwords, the password will expire periodically and must be reset. The frequency of password changes depends on the type of account and system accessed.

Details and additional information about computer user accounts can be found in the Account and Password Management policy (08.08.18).

II.  Establishing New Accounts

Accounts are established based on the Account and Password Management policy (08.08.18).

III.  Modify Existing Accounts

Accounts are modified based on the Account and Password Management policy (08.08.18).

IV.  Terminating User Accounts

Accounts are terminated based on the Account and Password Management policy (08.08.18).    

V.  Security Procedures

The institutional CIO, or their designee, may lock or restrict as necessary any account that is deemed as a threat to the security of the college’s information, software and hardware resources. Tampering with the college computer system(s) that results in unauthorized access to data, destruction or disruption of software or hardware, or causes expenditure of labor or funds to remedy a problem is just cause for disciplinary action for the employee or student involved. The college may also pursue legal action to recover damages. 

08/04; 03/06; 02/14; 05/16; 09/17; 03/23