Jul 16, 2024  
Policies and Procedures Manual 
Policies and Procedures Manual

04:08:00 Student Class Attendance

Revision Responsibility: Vice President for Academic Affairs
Responsible Executive Officer: Vice President for Academic Affairs


To define class attendance for all instructional delivery formats.


I. Lecture Course, Video Streaming Course, Clinical Course, And Laboratory Course

Class attendance is an expectation at Walters State. Absences count from the first scheduled meeting of the class. Regular class attendance is a student’s obligation for any course regardless of format. A student’s schedule is considered a contract and constitutes a series of obligated appointments. It is the student’s obligation to attend class, inform the instructor of planned absences, and provide reasons for unplanned/unexpected absences. Students are expected to attend classes on time and are responsible for giving explanations/rationales for lateness directly to the faculty member for each course in which they are enrolled. The student remains responsible for verifying any emergency circumstances to faculty and for discussing arrangements with faculty for completions of course work requirements, if allowed, and necessary preparation for the next class assignment. Student failure to attend classes regularly is justifiable grounds for lowering final grade and/or other disciplinary action as referenced in the course syllabus. The policy on excused and unexcused absences is included in the syllabus for each course and in handbooks for specific programs of study.

II. Web Course, Hybrid Course, Desktop Video Course, And Tennessee Ecampus

Class attendance is an expectation at Walters State. Participation in educational activities is an expectation at Walters State. Absences count from the first scheduled educational activity as defined in course syllabus within the Learning Management System. Students are expected to participate in all interactive aspects of the course. Students are expected to communicate with their instructor once each week and check the course each day for announcements and academic assignments. Students are expected to meet deadlines for threaded discussions, quizzes, and tests. Students should comply with due dates for academic assignments as outlined in the course calendar. Regular class attendance is a student’s obligation for any course regardless of format. A student’s schedule is considered a contract and constitutes a series of obligated appointments. It is the student’s obligation to inform the instructor of planned absences, and provide reasons for unplanned/unexpected absences. The student remains responsible for verifying any emergency circumstances to faculty and for discussing arrangements with faculty for completion of course work requirements, if allowed, and necessary preparation for the next class assignment. Student failure to participate in required class activities is justifiable grounds for lowering the final grade and/or other disciplinary action as referenced in the course syllabus. The policy on excused and unexcused absences is included in the syllabus for each course and in handbooks for specific programs of study. Student attendance is determined based on participation in learning activities, completion of academic assignments, completion of formative and summative examinations, and completion of any other course requirements by established deadlines.

3/12; 05/16; 11/23

(WSCC Policies 03:14:00 , 04:10:00 , 04:18:01 , and Catalog Attendance Regulations)